I also put the Revan Revelation sequence at the beginning of the videos to maybe give you a better idea. So you will have to put up with feet through the cape. That just how that Rtas_Vadum made the coloured reskins. Its really hard to explain but when the reskins mod is installed its just the TGA mask image file so when you equip the mask it provides with the mask and the whole robe, usually its just the mask so because the mask TGA image provides you with the whole piece not just the mask it conflicts with the body piece TGA image file in the cape fix mod. Only the default robes you can unless you take the default robe (body piece TGA image) edit and colour it yourself. I couldn’t use them with the cape fix mod because the reskins creator used the Mask TGA image to create these. My favorites are the white, red and purple. I thought I would put a piece together displaying the robes. I really liked Rtas_Vadum coloured skins for Revan. I WARN YOU THAT THERE IS A SPOILER ALERT SO IF YOU DON’T READ THIS BEFORE YOU HIT PLAY WELL NOT MY PROBLEM!!.